Having a power bank with you can be extremely convenient, especially when you are out of the house and away from a power outlet. Power banks ensure that your devices won’t run out of charge. However, in order to charge your devices on the go, your power bank has to be charged itself. Charging a power bank involves a few easy steps that are as simple as charging any of your other devices.
1.Connect the cable to the mini-USB socket.
2.Connect the USB end of the cable to a power source.
3.Charge the power bank.
4.Charge your device.
Once your power bank is completely charged, it is ready to be connected to and charge a device, like a phone. Whatever charging cable you use to normally connect your phone is going to be the same cable you use to connect your phone to the power bank. The charging cable must be an adapter type charger, where it is detachable from the adapter, exposing a regular USB plug. Detach the adapter from the charging cable. Take the USB plug that was just connected to the adapter, and inset it into the power bank. Then take the other end of the cable (the end that plugs into your phone or other device), and plug it into your phone. Click on the power button of the power bank, and the power bank should instantly start charging your device.
If the power bank is successfully charging your device, the LED light on the power bank should be on, and the device should show some visual sign that it is in the process of being charged (like a lighting bolt symbol or a plug and socket symbol).
Don’t charge the power bank and your device simultaneously. Using your power bank in this way can lower your power bank’s battery life and cause damage to the lithium battery within the power bank.
Contact: Jastin Lee
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